Coconut Grove, jan. 2009
Rio de Janeiro, Ipanema, July, 04 2008
Montreal, Apr 08 2008
Madrid, Oct. 2007 (by Lalai)
we care for social, corporate and church events.
our name is faz eventus.
(in spite of the fact that in Portuguese you are supposed to say/write fazEMOS eventOs (not faz EventUs).
btw, we are a dot com dot br enterprise and we don't care to grammar.
Recife, Cinco Pontas, 30 dec. 2007
frevo + ubiquitous communication
Recife, Boa Viagem, Dec. 28 2007
Question: How to combine your need for a beer under 40 Celsius degrees + tropical wind + no trustable water services?
Answer: Just put a a disposable one inside a real glass and forget everything else....
Sergipe, Dec. 28, 2006, 4:08 PM - Mercado Central, Aracaju
This is REAL design with a sense of urbanism...
Brasil, Sergipe, 2006-almost-2007
1:20 AM Wednesday, July 11, 2007, Frankfurt Airport
Wow... Where in the world suitcases would wait till they have their place in the belt?!!!!
(Play it and replay).
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